The YachtFile Pack – Since 1994
My name is Colin Squire, I created YachtFile in 1994 when, in those early days, there were very few options for a company to get information onboard large yachts. After the delivery of that first pack and as I spread the delivery forever further, I gave my clients access to an ever expanding client base. Yachts are not like anything else on earth, they are very expensive homes that do not remain in one place for long, international travel is what they are built for and a modern Owner, or Charter guest, will often use this inherent ability to ensure that they are forever waking up in another stunning destination.

The first ever YachtFile pack was not too dissimilar to the pack we have now. The logo has remained the same, YachtFile - Information Direct. Simply, the idea was that the pack would act as a file of information, it would have to be 99% waterproof and it would be delivered directly to, and onboard, professionally run yachts. The first ever pack was in one spot colour, blue, we have, ever since that first pack, printed in four colours that change with each edition.

The pack is distinct in its own way, we have always printed the logos of participating companies on the front of the pack, which makes it instantly recognisable and is a great add-on for our clients. On the back we always feature a single advert, a great space that will offer any company fantastic brand recognition to a very special audience (just think how many times the pack is seen as it sits on the bridge or in the Captains office just waiting to be opened).
I can still remember that first ever delivery in 1994, only 600 'small' YachtFiles, all carried in the back of my estate car, a car only just suitable for the task. I arrived at my first stop near St Tropez and the car became stuck on a hump in the road. It was great that many local people found it (me) amusing and turned out to help lift the car off, that was only the forerunner of what turned into many great years of adventure and exploration and to date 53 editions. I have during this time found and explored all of the relevant marinas and refit yards on a route that has constantly expanded throughout the Mediterranean, I have explored anywhere that could possibly be a home for a large yacht. I even take to the water in tenders to deliver YachtFile packs to vessels at anchor.
Now, including the Yachting Matters and Superyacht Knowledge magazines that I deliver alongside the packs, I have to ship out large numbers of pallets throughout the Mediterranean and Caribbean. To deliver the packs I will travel the coast of France, the Islands of Corsica, Sardinia, the coast of Italy, I deliver around Athens, I will also deliver along the cost of Croatia and call into Venice as I pass by. I also head to Barcelona, Mallorca and Ibiza and I have often driven as far as Gibraltar before returning home. On a trip I will visit many of the major marinas several times and at different times of the day, this more so during the Summer delivery whent he yachts are constantly moving.

Over the years Captains have grown to trust the packs as a great source of information, remember many Captains & Owners hardly ever visit shows, as I walk the docks captains will come and greet me to ensure they get 'their' pack, I am often asked for a second 'for the Owner' or 'for a Friend', it's my bible' is a quote I like.
There are many ways of promoting your business to large yachts, but if you have a Brochure, a Catalogue, or anything similar, there really is nothing quite like YachtFile to get it to where it will do its job.
The Spring Captain/Owners YachtFile Pack: £3100.00† Hand delivered during April / May – before the Mediterranean summer season begins. Have 1,500 of your brochures delivered to 1,500 professionally run yachts. Your 1,500 inserts would need to be delivered to us during the fourth week in March. |
The Summer Captain/Owners YachtFile Pack: £3100.00† Hand delivered during August / September – when the owners are on-board. Have 1,500 of your brochures delivered to 1,500 professionally run yachts. Your 1,500 inserts would need to be delivered to us during the fourth week of July. |
† Inserts over 16 pages may cost more
YachtFile is printed in four pantone inks on white plastic. These colours are determined by the back of pack advertiser so it may not be possible to print your logo in your unique company colours. It is advisable to avoid graduated colours wherever possible due to the coarseness of the printed screen ruling used on plastic. We require your logo to be supplied as an original Vector file (usually Adobe Illustrator .ai or .eps file formats) as it will need splitting into pantone colour areas. Jpegs or tif files cannot be used.